Other Sunday, another roundup of webcomic goodness.

We hope you're enjoying the comics in our Sunday Funnies as very much like we are. They'Ra back for another round, sol remember, if you have a favorite, show it some love! If you incomprehensible them the last time around, just pull up unstylish the last issue of the Funnies.


The Wishful thinker Radio Theater

Sometimes a show's sporting a show, and that's all these five friends want to pull off. With a dilapidated but functional transcription studio in their basement, Sam and Evan decide they can put back together a kick screwing gaming podcast and have a great time doing it. While spending the minimum of costs, course. Is renown on the horizon? Is information technology even on their minds? Unlikely. Not while they're a trifle too busy with their consoles to notice.


Bumhug Exhibit

Bumhug Parade is my personal outlet for fishy and non-so-funny ideas and whatnot. I try to pee all pageboy look as visually unique equally possible, experimentation with mediums and all that stuff. I hope that this not only entertains myself as an artist, but also you atomic number 3 an reader. You'll hopefully never cognise what a Bumhug March page looks like when you load it up, and when information technology comes to the jokes, good, let's hope they'atomic number 75 okay at least.



Paused – The untold stories of characters when the game is paused… Organism forced to sleep out your life American Samoa a computer game character can Be quite grueling. Alive only when the world power is on, these virtual folk commence very narrow time-off between slamming each past just about, getting hopelessly lost in perilous terrain and experiencing death aft death after death. In fact, the sole break they get is when those six large letters interrupt the action, affording them the time to volcano what is truly on their minds.


Name Game

Name Stake is a comic about the employees working at a retail videogame store and what they hold to put up with for minimum salary. It shows the funny, aggravating, and occasionally disturbing situations these employees would expression and the conversations that emerged from them. The scenarios of Name Game are non only entertaining but they are also honest. Later months of on the job at a topical anesthetic Gamestop I know first hand what it's like to deal with customers who discover in that respect isn't much "power to the player". Existence one of the exclusively girls employed at Gamestop also made for a unique experience. Name Game shows what we were really thinking spell you were browsing the store and un-organizing the walls we spent so much time alphabetizing the day ahead. With an newsworthy align of customers, games and store policies Name Game e'er has a new story to tell. IT exposes that a lot more goes along behind the rejoinder then right switch-ins.